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Epic Games Forgot

Epic Games forgot that Fortnite was originally above all "Save the World".

They forgot that it was the early founders of their game that made it possible to achieve the success that Fortnite has today.

They forget that the value of the founders' investment has grown in the same way as their profits over the years and no longer respect them.

Obviously they've been programming the "Save the World" death for a while:

– Relegate "Save the World" as a secondary mode of BR that must be found in the library. It is no longer featured. Result ? Fewer players.

– The decision to calculate everything on the server side for the sole benefit of BR to counter the cheaters which is also done on "Save the world" which has increasingly pitiful servers. Result ? Heavy rubbing lags 80% of the time at the slightest activity on the map/server, enemies teleporting, fps freezes (because server side, not because of our PCs/consoles), bullets not hitting enemies, …

– An automatic rotation of redundant events

– Nothing new (oh yes! The ability to climb obstacles because it was developed for the BR)

– Twin Peaks which never had narrative quests (completely abandoned)

And to top it off, they are busy killing "save the world" but continue to sell packs to give new players access to this PVE that has become unplayable under good conditions.


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