Today, I went to log onto my account, but i could not log in saying "sorry the credentials you are using are invalid." and when i went to forgot your password, it said "sorry, your account was not found." I immediately put in a request saying what happened to my account. They then asked me to provide my public ip address, account creation date, invoice ID, locations where purchases made, original display name, last 4 digits of payment, date of last login, names of other accounts connected to my Epic account.
For some background. I made this account around 2017.
I have not brought anything with a credit card with epic games, as all the games i brought were for free during a certain period of time.
I gave them the correct location of where these purchases that were made.
I provided the correct display name for when I played the game.
They asked me to provide them one of the oldest official epic games receipts that was sent to my associated email. But as when i went to find a receipt all my emails related to epic games were GONE. No past 2fa emails NOTHING.
So Reddit, what do I do?