Escape From Tarkov: Frustrations of a Game Tailored for Streamers and Youtubers

I'm genuinely puzzled about how some individuals seem to effortlessly accumulate millions in Escape From Tarkov. It appears as though they're impervious to defeat and don't experience any setbacks. Please refrain from suggesting that it's solely a matter of skill, as I acknowledge that. Watching guides on YouTube also proves to be unhelpful, since they appear to work exclusively for the content creators themselves.

It's almost as if they possess some extraordinary, superhuman abilities that make the game more accessible to them. When someone expresses their frustration with the game, it often feels like the response is merely, "Get Gud Kid!" or "Skill Issue bro." This type of dismissive attitude can be disheartening, especially when it appears that the game is primarily tailored to cater to streamers and YouTubers.

Furthermore, it's disappointing to notice that Escape From Tarkov seems to offer the most enjoyable experience within the first two weeks of a wipe. Beyond that initial period, it becomes increasingly challenging for the average player to find the same level of enjoyment and competitiveness. This lopsided gameplay experience can lead to a sense of disillusionment and, at times, may even fuel the temptation to resort to cheating.


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