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Etiquette question

the witcher and ciri gwent

Okay, I've been playing Gwent for quite some time now, but I'm not used to online games at all.

Thus, I've been wondering about how people view this issue:

You're in R3, a few cards left in both hands. Your Vernossiel/Salamander/whatever set-up is almost complete, and you're waiting to destroy your opponent in a very satisfying climax. And then… He forfeits.

I get that when you know you've lost anyway, you might not want to waste time on that last round. But it kinda feels cheap robbing your opponent of that last point slam. Personally, I just pass: if my opponent wants to make it quick, he just passes; if he wants to end his satisfying setup, it lets him do so. I feel that's the most polite way to end the game.

What do you guys think? Is there some sort of unwritten rule of letting the other guy have his fun when you realize you're screwed anyway?

Note: I'm not criticizing forfeit in any other situation. R1, R2, early R3… I just find it quite cheap when the other player is 2 cards away from the end of a huge setup/


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