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Event rewards are shit

I’m not the best tarkov player and I think I can speak for a lot of players when I say that the event is not worth it.

The event is fun, albeit grindy for a average player- and I was really excited to finally finish the quest and get great ammo. So after 6 hours, all the gear in my stash, and 3m roubles, i was excited to turn in my quest and buy my meta ammo, this is when I realized that most of the ammo only lets you purchase a max of 20-40 per trade rest and costs an absurd amount of money on top of that.

Now, I can rouble to buy the ammo, I can hop on the game in my free time to buy it out, but when I’m a lot of my raids I either die to, or use all of my ammo fighting the first person I see, i would honestly rather just have 300 m855a1 than 20 SAI AP. Plus, 7.62×54 is now entirely impossible to get unless you’ve completed tarkov shooter quest line, making that caliber and some others entirely unusable.

Love the event but hope it ends soon, I would like to play more than 3 raids a day without running out of ammo/ having to rouble for money for ammo.

TLDR: I have a skill issue, I want my shitter ammo back because I can’t hit shots


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