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Every complain about the BP gets some downvotes often with the argument, why did you buy it then? I did not an I care about dota and i care about it’s future, i complain and hope to get awareness so maybe we can change the game in a more healthy direction

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero Guides

I hate it that so many people feel personally attacked if to say something negative about the game.
We don't complain to shit talk dota, I care about dota and it is my most played game and i hope it keeps getting better in the future.

I did not buy the last 3 Battlepasses, first i am fucking pore second i dont want to support this negative evolution.

Guys this is our game, we might write gg but we all know gg means we will try hard until the end, we all know we all care so there is no point in pretending that we don't.

If we complain, if we agree on Points we don't like, we might be able to archive change, of course valve will continue to sell Battlepasses like this as long as they make a profit, but gamers were able to change game design direction before so why shouldn't we?
The negative emotions get higher with every pass, we can support each other and we can continue to point out the bad things, only this will show the big companies what we want and maybe influence future strategies.

We are all here cause we are passionate about this game, whenever we like it or not


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