Faction Tag Identity #1 – Monsters

witcher gwent cards

I was hoping we can discuss every tag identity so that we can have a design standard. This will be the format for this post:

(Monster Tag) – (Current identity/play style)

WILD HUNT – Frost, Deck Manipulation (Thinning)


The problem with current Wild Hunt cards is that it's to rigid and has no direct or subtle synergy with other Monster archetypes making it isolated. Even their Dominance keyword has no real effect on the archetype.


First, give them some Dominance payoffs or specific power payoffs. This will also create a subtle synergy with Consume. e.g. "If you control a unit with 12 or more power, do X" or something like "Dominance: Whenever you Spawn a row effect on an enemy row, replace it with Frost with the same duration instead".

Second, give them more movement options as a form of soft removal. From there, we can expand more towards weather synergies. e.g. "Order: Move a unit onto the other row. Whenever an enemy unit moves onto a row affected by a row effect, damage it by 1. If it moves onto a row affected by Frost, damage it by 2 instead".



It has the same problem with the Wild Hunt archetype, it just feels too much isolated. Vampires are actually harder to tie with other archetypes because their mechanics only makes sense with them. Also, what's up with Dettlaff: Higher Vampire's design (was Vampires supposed to expand towards Deathwish for future card drops or it's just a rogue design within the archetype?)


Dominance synergy (Drain – I don't get why the devs didn't expand towards this). e.g. "Deploy: Give an enemy unit Bleeding for X turns, then gain Vitality for X turns. If the target is on a row affected by Bloodmoon, trigger the Dominance ability. Dominance: Drain an enemy unit by X instead".

Maybe we can also expand more towards weather synergy (Bloodmoon). e.g. "Deploy (Melee): Spawn Bloodmoon an enemy row for X turns. Deploy (Ranged): Increase the duration of a row effect on an enemy row for x turns".

RELICT – Sabbath, Graveyard Manipulation, Deathwish, Consume


Meh. The archetype is pretty coherent and has okay synergy with other Monster archetypes.


I just hope to have more Sabbath and graveyard manipulation shenanigans. e.g. "Whispering Hillock – Banish an allied unit, then Spawn and play a base copy of it. Sabbath: Destroy an allied unit, then Spawn and play a base copy of it instead". Obviously, this card can't exist with current Caranthir design.

INSECTOID – Swarm, Thrive, Consume


The Insectoid tag actually have sub identities based on their family. Arachas – swarm and consume, Endrega – thrive and consume, Kikimore – swarm and consume, Giant Centipedes – consume and high base power. Their design is actually pretty coherent, maybe they just need some number tweaks or stronger synergy payoffs.


Organic card synergy. e.g. "Arachas Nest – Spawn and Summon 4 Drones on an allied row. If you control a Gold Insectoid, also gain 2 Counters. Whenever an allied unit is destroyed, while in graveyard, Spawn and Summon a Drone on a random allied row and remove 1 Counter. Counter: X"

Also, make Kiki Queen a devoted swarm payoff. Her current hybrid Thrive and swarm design makes sequencing sometimes clunky or just make Arachas Queen the devoted swarm payoff. Give her ability to copy pasta cards to other units.

BEAST – Consume/Destroy, Deathwish


Honestly, I think they only lack a proper payoff card and tag synergy. They already have Consume/destroy engines like Slyzard and Vran Warrior. Morvud only works in a Rat swarm and Rats aren't even Spawned by Beast units in general (only Wererat can swarm Rats fast), Rats are mostly from the Specters so I think expanding towards the Anti-Swarm identity is better. With the addition of Sir Scratch-a-lot, maybe we can also expand towards Thrive.


Since they are good at Consuming, transfer She-Troll's ability to a Beast. Semi revert Vran Warrior "Melee: Whenever an allied unit is destroyed during your turn, damage a random enemy unit by 1"

Anti-swarm synergy would look like Jotunn's ability or just yoink that also.

Thrive hybrid synergy. e.g. "Thrive. Order: Consume a unit with equal or less power than this unit" or "Thrive. Deathwish: Summon a random unit with a provision cost equal to this unit's power from your deck onto this row"

OGROID – Thrive, High Base Power, Armor


I don't think Armor is even an identity of Ogroids for now. Upon reviewing the current Ogroid pool, I noticed a selfwound identity so maybe there's room for expansion there. It also makes sense to reset Thrive triggers, and give them high base powers with negative effects like Pugo.


"Cyclops – Deploy: Destroy an allied unit, then damage an enemy unit by the destroyed unit's power and boost self by any excess amount damage dealt" or "Thrive. Order: Damage self by X, then Spawn and Summon a base copy of this unit on this row"

SPECTER – Deathwish, Consume


There's not much going on for them since they are currently lacking cards. They just exist for Deathwish and Consume triggers. They also have no direct or subtle synergy with Rats (No swarm synergy, no tag synergy, they just Spawn Rats).


I think Specters need a third identity, maybe expand towards graveyard manipulation. e.g. "Whenever an allied unit is destroyed, while in graveyard, remove 1 Counter. Counter: X. When Counter reaches 0, Summon self from your graveyard onto a random allied row"

NECHROPHAGE – Graveyard Manipulation, Deathwish


Just like Specters they are currently lacking cards, but there are actually a good chunk of Necrophage characters/mobs in the Witcher universe so the possibility of making them an actual archetype is there.


First, graveyard manipulation is covered by wights, ghoul, grave hags, and drowners (maybe we can also give the drowner family movement options). e.g. of a low end Necrophage engine " Melee: Every allied turn end, boost self by 1 if you have less cards in your graveyard than your opponent’s graveyard. Ranged: Every allied turn end, boost self by 1 if you have more cards in your graveyard than your opponent’s graveyard".

Second, deathwish is covered by rotfiends, devourers, and scurvers. These guys basically explode when they die so we can translate that as random damage pings in game. e.g. "Scurver – Every allied turn end, damage a random enemy unit by 1 and remove 1 Counter. Counter: X. Deathwish: Randomly split damage equal to this unit's Counter between all units".

Last, giving them weather synergy as a mini identity is also plausible because of the existence of foglet, ancient foglet, and Ignis Fatuus. e.g. "Ignis Fatuus – Zeal. Order: Banish a card from your graveyard, then Spawn Fog on an enemy row for 1 turn. If the Banished card is a gold card, Spawn Fog on an enemy row for 2 turns instead. Cooldown: 1. Deathwish: Clear all row effects on both enemy rows".

VODYANOY – Deathwish


We only have Dagon for now but I hope they add his followers in the future card drops.


Weather synergy (Rain) is most likely their secondary identity. This will complete the weather synergy within the Monster faction. Frost from Wild Hunt, Fog from Necrophage, Rain from Vodyanoy, and Bloodmoon from Vampire.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/gwent/comments/zsfrei/faction_tag_identity_1_monsters/

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