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False God..Zeus 7.31

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero phantom lancer

well idk why and who makes decisions like this to turn zeus one of the few unpicked heroes during the TI to something much worse than he was and the funny part is he had already so much problem vs most of the mid heroes..even after 7.31B he is still a rubbish hero because you need to pay 1.4k gold after 15 mins to make him same as he was and changing his old shard to basic ability is meh and mostly useless..and trust me when i tell you it is so pointless and disapointing to having zeus in the game like this..its a video game and meant to be fun but zeus its anything but fun? come on..just imagine TA / storm / ember / VS / BM / batrider / OD / puck / qop / invoker / huskar and now the overbuffed LD and maybe even many more that im not thinking about them right now to play vs zeus..he loses so easy and so horrible to all of them for sure..even playing him as support its a bad idea because there is so many other better picks..and please do not give me BS like right click carry zeus because no1 would do that but only to makes himself / herself a joke.maybe they could just buff the old zeus a bit without changing his passive..or maybe they could add the shard to his passive with another new shard..lets be honest zeus is a false god who was standing on the edge and devs surely pushed him to fall and he is dead now..RIP zeus!


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