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Feels like the people between the rats and chads are getting squeezed out.

I play tarkov for fun and to kill people, I don’t play to grind 500 hours every wipe to unlock traders purely so I can run non shit gear. I also don’t play so that I can slink around on woods collecting jugs of milk and the occasional gold chain so I can make enough money to afford a second shitty sks this week. In the past I could make enough money of scav runs that I could consistently ish run decent kits that I found fun and play for kills. More and more these days that’s impossible. Running anything 5.56 is a mistake because I only have access to m855 which isn’t exactly a competitive ammo type. Ak’s can be fun but I don’t want to run Ak’s every single raid. 5.45 is at best mediocre anyway. I can’t buy half a dozen guns, I cant get anything better than a trooper without selling my soul, and this late in the wipe this makes you seriously uncompetitive against anyone who has enough time and effort to grind a couple hundred hours into the game and just wants to kill people.

A lot of the recent changes leaves super high skill players in a league of their own and leaves the rats to their sks and kinda fucks anyone in between. I still enjoy tarkov it’s getting hard to make money, harder to compete and harder to enjoy. I just want to get on and kill some people or die trying not do 6 scav runs so I can run a trooper with ammo that can barely penetrate class 2 armour


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