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Finally have enough credits to get myself a proper large ship, what do you recommend?

Hello fellow Commanders! I'm a relatively new pilot who's finally managed to gather a few hundred million credits thanks to the community goal going on. As such, I'm looking to finally start browsing some of the pricier ships on the market. I'm looking for 3 main ships to fill different functions:

First, a cargo hauler. Just the biggest one I can, crammed with a zillion cargo racks and little else (I mainly play on solo so I rarely get bothered while hauling). I assume the type10 has the most cargo space, though if I'm wrong or you prefer a different ship, let me know why! (Including your build is super helpful too)

Second, a combat ship. This one doesn't have to be large, though I imagine the bigger ships can hold bigger hardpoints. I've heard pretty good things about the Corvette, though, again, I haven't thoroughly researched the subject myself. Again, showing off builds is appreciated.

Finally, a courier/exploration ship. This one can be any size. Something with good jump range and ideally pretty high in-system speed. I'd like to be able to travel long distances and gather some cartographic data from time to time. Any cargo space is a nice bonus but far from a priority.

Thanks for reading! I know it's quite a specific request. Thanks in advance for all help o7


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