After dealing with the 2013 release ps4 for 9 years, I got my PC in November. It has been one of the best decisions of my life, I love my pc. One of the reasons I got it, however, was because my buddy at work was obsessed with this game called “Escape from Tarkov” His loyalty, along with everyone else who loves this game is unmatched by any other player base I’ve ever seen. The level of seriousness you have to take yourself to get ahead in this game is very real and the voip moments in this game are so organic and fun. Personally I think the game in it of itself, the idea of it, is what makes it one of the greatest ideas of all time. But the idea of it is where my praise ends on this game. Actually getting in and playing this game right as the wipe happened was such a treat. My first wipe was filled with a gaming experience that was so beautiful, a feeling that I haven’t had for any game in a very long time (i wanted to play again and again and become the chad we all strive to be) I’m level 19 but I won’t be going much higher though as I am packing this game up until they can respect the player base, and maybe until the player base can respect themselves. Going into PC gaming in general for the first time, I have never seen such a dumpster fire of an update, to a game that is already painfully unoptimized, given to an already malnourished playerbase, with a couple sprinkles of cheaters and you have yourself one fucked up dessert And then you learn more about BSG and it doesn’t get better. To find out this game came out in 2017 is so disheartening, and all you have to do is watch Tigz’ most recent video on him interviewing that hacker in labs to find out what you are actually playing against. Final verdict is this: there is a reason valve will have long time heavy hitting esports games that people will play for years. They care about the fairness of the game. Bottom line. Especially on a game like this where everyone thinks they know what’s going on, I’m here to tell you that you haven’t the slightest clue at all. Streamers getting innocent people banned, innocent people reporting innocent people. the game has such a DESYNC problem that in my opinion, from the release of the game in 2017 to now, any clip you’ve ever seen or made in tarkov is just not actually that impressive. Sorry dude, its not that hard to wipe a 3 man when they experience what you did to them 5 seconds later. especially if you are good at games. We haven’t even got into the fact that its the only game in 2023 where people will look you dead in the face and say you need a better cpu, better gpu. No brothers, its time that BSG upgrades their proverbial GPU. Look at the active player count. Its falling as fast as it grew from the wipe, and then to find out this is how a normal wipe is just means the game is still very much a Beta. But 7 years later lol fortnite status. And it basically shows that everyone is excited for a great game just to find out its still dogshit after another 6 months. BSG seems cool with their fans on twitter and stuff but at this current rate I wouldn’t put it past them to come out with some battlepass or some bullshit way before they ever worked on a way to stop cheating. Cheating will always be around, unfortunately some people just don’t have the emotional structure needed to play things fairly and would rather work harder to gain an unfair advantage than to just put in that same time on the game itself, and thats ok. But for every raid on average to have at least two people running esps or anything is just too sad. I respect my time, not enough to keep myself from typing this garbage post, but enough to wait on this game. I have/had (unsure) high hopes for this game, optimized it could be one of the best games ever made.