[RP gameplay] You’re all alone, use what you got

Me and my friend got a little bored with normal gameplay so we came up with some rules and so far had great fun (and deaths) so far. Basically you just play by some select rules, imagine your PMC has one life, when you die, you start over.

To start off, you make a 10×5 space in your stash that counts as a "chest" where you drop off your loot to sell or use (expanding on this later). Money received from selling those items can not be used in any way for those raids (of course just keep it for normal tarkov raids).


  • One PMC – One Life, you die, you start over from this point
  • Start with nothing (empty 10×5 chest in your stash), join a raid with melee and empty secure container.
  • Now here's the neat part, after you survive, you can only use the stuff you found, nothing more.
    • Want to mod a gun? Gathe parts during those raids and mod it then.
    • Need cash? Gotta find it on scavs, money from sold items is just to empty up the "chest"
    • Healing? Here I had that idea that you could just pay for therapist with your money to not make it too stupid (since finding meds is already hard), or just get yourself a grizzly once. This point is very modifiable
    • Food? Find it.
  • Buying stuff is prohibited, imagine you're alone in your bunker, no traders. Selling items is just to clear "chest". So vehicle exits only through money found on scavs/saves/as loot. Where do you expect to get some more without traders, hm?
  • No gear insurance either, remember that you're all alone and no traders? Of course if you really like that broken TOZ you found then just insure it but be sure not to use in another RP raid, you've lost it, no coming back.
  • When you die, all the items in chest can't be used by you anymore, just imagine it's a account wipe, stash is clean, so either stash them for normal raids or just sell, whatever, you just can't use it now.

Map of choice? We've chosen customs, since it's pretty small, has each type of loot (meds/food/weapons), isn't that big and just has plenty of scavs early to get this early loot to use.

Optional point: After failing couple times with just melee, we've switched to going with TOZ-106 with 2-shot mag, and that's our whole starting gear.

Our record so far is getting some player gear (t4 armors/helmets, decked out weapons).. died to a scav that ambushed us.

Typing this out, maybe there's someone else who wanted to spice up the gameplay.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/sm79kx/rp_gameplay_youre_all_alone_use_what_you_got/

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