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First wipe, the “end game/end of wipe” stage seems ass

I got game last october and tried it a bit, learn't some basics and enjoyed myself. I saw the gameplay loop and though it was alright. New wipe new patch, well im new too so first real time experienceing the game. The start was fun, lots of players all equally desperate for scraps, i set off trying to do traders and hideout and it was good.

Cut forward and according to most it's mid wipe, lots of people have traders at 3-4, have buddies at the same place, and are just farming and skrimming at the high value areas to enter 100% consistent endgame. Here I start to drop off, no one to play with and I struggle to get anthing of value or do quests since so many are dependant on going to kill pmc's or going to super hot zones on hard maps. "ok, well I know it's just me whos bad so I can accept being behind."

Now it's, well now. Late wipe, pretty much everyone who plays consistently, has maxed everything in hideout and traders. They can generate income on supreme scale with 1-2 runs at lighthouse plant, suplimented by access to ammo, guns, and armour, I could only dream of finding let alone buying. I can't play anything but scav runs as the best I could possibly equip myself with is garbage compared to any chad. Quests are all no-hoper's as killing pmc's is still terribly difficult and all are forcing me now to go against my playstyle to areas you have to know lick the back of your hand to stand a chance in. My progress is stopped by having to do the impossible and in a way that isn't fun (not hard per say, but unfun, tedious, or just unrealistic if i don't sweat 24/7). Even if I did progress it wouldn't be for any good reason anyway. I am not the best at the game so even if i had the same gear as everyone I'd still just die and lose it 9/10 times. And progressing would take so long next wipe would probably roll around by the time i get there, nullifying any need for me to actually try.

Currently I see no reason to play as I can't keep up. It's not like I'm some fictional magic chosen champion of the keyboard and can outplay anyone regardless of gear. I can't (and probably wouldn't) get anywhere now. And this part of the game will last for a few more months? That kinda sucks. I enjoyed when i was on equal or near enough footing with others, I mean who wouldn't, but that blew by really fast, wish it could last longer somehow (looking at you "lvl 15 on day 1"ers)

Oh and also, I have seen a few people mention this on other posts or play like this themselves. An ironman mode where flea and shops are stripped to 0, you really have to treasure everything you find and make do with garbage very often. If tarkov had this, and only paired you with other ironman players in raids, I would love the shit out of it. Wouldn't care about anything i just complained about and would probably enjoy any stage of wipe like that.


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