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Flogging a dead Mistlands horse

fictional character

Before you start angrily typing – yes, I know there have been soooo many written opinions on Mistlands already and this is another one. Just skip it you are tired of them, I don't blame you :).

OK, so after two Mistlands sessions with 2 of my buddies I can say that yes, Mistlands are difficult but oh so entertaining. We died. A lot. Mostly because we are stupid and rush creatures with blind disregard for personal safety – we take this viking thing a bit too serious and not serious enough at the same time. Anyway, I can see how going alone is even harder but I also see a lot of people don't read up on the new biome, do zero research and get frustrated. We spent ages in Valheim and we have stockpiled so many resources that we are covered for good. I see a lot of people just blazing through the game and then getting frustrated because their gear is not top notch and upgraded, skill levels are lacking, they stick to one tactic, refuse to use potions, don't know how to dodge and parry. And all of that caught up with them in Mistlands.

As the title says I realize that I am beating the proverbial dead horse but don't blame the developers. They did a mighty fine job and Mistlands was well worth the wait. So far it seems it brought so much new content that it will keep us entertained for weeks. Good job!

As for those frustrated – I get it, getting killed and loosing sucks. Big time. But that's where the this community comes in. Ask questions, seek advice, look for tips, read the wiki, find buddies if possible and set up a server, educate yourself. It gets easier. Every day it gets a little easier. But you gotta do it every day —that’s the hard part. But it does get easier.


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