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Frish & Frank Charity Tournament Sept 24-Sept 26 (Approved by Moderators)

Hello Fellow Escapers!

Frish & Frank are hosting a charity tournament this weekend, from Friday September 24th, 2021 to Sunday September 26th, 2021. With recent world events, Frish & Frank have decided to dedicate this month’s charity tournament to support members of the U.S Military. There are two organizations that all the proceeds will be going to, and this will be done live during the winner’s ceremony. All sign up fees & proceeds from the tournament will be donated to the Semper Fi Fund, and Fisher House

Tournament format:

You and up to two other team members will attempt to get the “Best Raid” possible on one of five maps out of the seven available maps. The available maps are: Customs, Interchange, Labs, Reserve, and Shoreline. Each map will have its own winner. You acquire points based off of kills.

Point system:
Scavs-1 point
Reshala guards-1.5 points
Raiders/Cultists- 2 points
PMC’s-3 points
Scav Boss-5 points
There is no limit on the number of raids you can do on any particular map. Each raid is by itself, meaning if you run one raid on Customs and get 20 points, then run another raid and get 10, you will only be credited for the highest scoring raid. There is also no adding from other maps. Your score on Customs will not affect or be judged against a score on Interchange, these are separate competitions. The tournament will have two time slots per day, one from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM EST and one from 9:00 PM EST to 1:00 AM EST. You can play in as many time slots as you wish, whether it be just one time slot on Sunday, or every timeslot. Additional rules and clarity can be found in the google form for sign-up.

Teams consist of one captain, and up to two teammates. The captain is in charge of your team’s score, and is the contact between the team, and the tournament admins. One member of the team must either stream or share their screen so their end of raid results can be recorded. During the tournament, teams must load into the same raid, in a trio if two teammates die, then the last surviving member can finish out their raid, and the two dead team members may start a new raid that will be scorable. In a duo, you both must start the first raid, however if someone dies, they may start a new scorable raid. However, if the surviving duo partner ends up dying, or extracts they may not start a new raid until their partner finishes the raid they started after they died.

Information about submitting scores & prize pool will be in the google form below.


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