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Funniest thing your teammates have said in a game

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero Guides

I played a game of Dota recently and had a support player with 5Head logic. So my WD started to take ranged creeps since the very first minute, for the first 2-3 waves I thought he just wants to secure it but after I asked to stop taking ranged creep and that I am capable of taking them on my own he turns to me and says, "Who will buy me the ward then, your mom". I was baffled.

The same day, in another game My pos 5 hoodwink purchased both observers and plants them mid as per his understanding, and when my tinker says that instead of planting just give him the ward so that he can place as per his need he asks Tinker to STFU. When I asked why does giving the ward to midlaner bothers him he told me, "When I purchase ward you have a problem when I don't you people complain supports not buying wards so you too STFU and let me do my thing". Crazy how min 0 ward makes this guy think so much.

Over the years I had so many funny logics been told by fellow players just wanted to know if you have encountered any of these 200IQ players.


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