Generation ships Series

Because of the recent Halloween event, I got interested in generation ships and was wondering, did someone else thought doing a series about it would be a great idea ?

I mean, this could be in the form of a succession of single stories (one per ship), each telling its own story.
The title of the series could simply be "The Generation ships" or something like that, while the episodes could be named after the ships or the logs that can be found by scanning the ship.

I may be the only one, but I would absolutely love seing the story of what happened to the Artemis, Demeter or the Thetis for example, but also the less horrifying ones like Lazarus or Spear of Hope.

Considering how popular were Black Mirror or Death Love and Robots (which work on the same principle, a different story for each episode) and the sci-fi/horrific series, I think there could be some potential on Netflix or other streaming platforms.

Fdev probably doesn't care, and I can't blame them for it, but it sounds like it's a wasted potential (like a lot of other things in this game but I digress), and since they are the ones that built up these stories and have the rights, this will probably never exists.

Anyways, was just a thought I had, what do you think commanders ?


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