Gerni is the only deck in the game you can’t win against (real)

geralt tsirilla gwent the witcher card game gwen

I killed gerni, they copied 4 the beast, i won round 1 by commiting everything even though they have total of 10 point engine on the board. They used witches sabbath on r2. They can get second witches sabbath too so. It's pretty much waste of time to play against that deck i feel like. All that thinking and roping you do is for nothing. Oppo just slams the cards and wins.

There was never anything wrong with gerni deck. It didn't have inconsistency issue any more than other meta decks out there. It literally disappeared from meta because people found it boring to play. Most of the time your opponent auto-ff's it anyways. If its skellige you auto-ff it. Most binary deck in the game, yet one of the most powerful.

The reason why its played now is because certain streamer re-played it. I don't get why such deck is allowed to exist in the videogame.


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