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GN and Renfri are two of the best designs imo.

the witcher and ciri gwent

One thing I see too much in this sub and don't agree with it at all is the concept of neutral cards being either dull or tech_ish. That should not be the case by any mean. The most interesting part of each card drop for me is the neutral cards, and that's because of their direct influence on deck building structures and the specific way of adding new play styles to the game. a card like GN for example creates this affect of 'provision overload' which leads to the concept of using options that you would not consider using in a usual deck. also because of it's specific deck building requirements, you are considering to play cards like locations which were pretty rare before GN.
Then again, a good neutral card can add so many deck building layers to the game which is a direct way of making gameplay rich and diverce.

p.s: I'm not taking about balancing issues, yes they also need to be balanced. in different ways not necessarily particular ones.


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