Is there any point in playing anything other than a TD anymore?

Really, I have to ask. No BS, no whining. Pure, legit question. TD's can self spot 75%-100% of the map with 21st-century optics that lack only live drone intel, sit behind 70% cover with next-generation optical camouflage that can only be pierced by thermals nobody has, and are equipped with pinpoint accurate railguns firing advanced thermobaric-AP rounds that ignore everything by ERA armor that, also, nobody has.

If WG were honest, they'd be naming them proto-MBT's and calling it a net wash. Lights can survive because of romulan cloaking tech until a handful of pixels are picked out from half the map away, at which point their get railgunned and die. Tier ten mediums can survive thirty seconds if they're lucky, at which point they get railgunned and die. Any heavy that attempts to move more than a hundred yards after more than one minute has passed in match are meat, at which point they get railgunned and die.

Enemy TD's activate their Metal Gear optical camo and sit behind a bush at the back of the map, until the other team's TD's get annoyed, move ten feet and break their Metal Gear optical camo, then get railgunned and die.

So, should I just sell everything go TDs if I want to do more than get my face smashed in literally every match?

EDITS: Grammar.


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