Gwent and the Witcher 4

the witcher and ciri gwent

Hello dear gwenters ! Since the the announcement of the Witcher 4 I can’t keep of thinking about the opportunities for our beloved game. I am thinking that it might help boost the popularity of Gwent beyond the current user base. So I wanted to share with you some of the questions I have.

The first question I asked myself was weither CDPR would include the same
Version of the game or simplified one. Having the same version might help overcome the negative reviews we had of the game on the stores because of the differences between Gwent in the Witcher 3 et the online version. On the other hand, some players might feel a bit overwhelmed by the complexity of the game.
Another question, If CDPR decides to put the game as is, the impact to the standalone game as we could benefit from small modifications :
1- unity : I heard that Gwent was developed using unity. As The Witcher 4 will be using Unity 5, will CDPR upgrade Gwent to the same engine and make the game more beautiful ?

2- console port : The Witcher 4 will certainly be released on console. Does this mean Gwent will again be available PlayStation and XBox (I miss playing from my couch :’-(

Finally I was wondering if maybe the Witcher 4 could include an online mode where you would play Gwent against players that are on the Witcher or on Gwent. Or just put a link to the game like in Thronebreaker

So many questions I have, I wanted to share here from you on what you think the synergies could be with the Witcher 4.


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