I didn't want to share this opinion before I had reached pro, which I did both last and current season. The state of Gwent is currently very rough in my opinion, and I believe one of the largest reasons for this is the lack of variety when it comes to competitive decks out there. The current meta hasn't changed much from last season (despite the nerf attempts on decks such as Raid) and in rotation right now are no more than 5-6 truly competitive decks. You'll come across the odd Blood Lust deck or Ursine Ritual deck, but they're nowhere near as reliable or consistent as, say Skellige Crows, or even Nilfgaard Mill.
It has been my experience going from rank 25 to pro, that there is simply an enormous lack of variety in terms of decks people are playing, and I think the reasons for this is pretty clear, some themed decks are simply better than others, not by a little bit, by a lot. When was the last time you played and lost against a Dwarf deck? When was the last time you played and lost against a Specter deck? And these are not even the worst decks out there, cards such as Werewolf and Alpha Werewolf are just plain bad, and never worth even considering when building a deck. Same thing goes for Wolf Pack, Panther, Forktail etc.
We need a proper re-balancing not just for a few deck archetypes, but for all cards in this game. I want to see people be able to build and play any themed decks they can come up with, and still be able to actually climb the ladders, and I hope that's the future of Gwent come "Gwentfinity".
I'm happy to hear you guys' opinions on this matter
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/gwent/comments/10f9u6e/gwent_is_too_metaheavy/