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Gwent Partners picked for reveals

Ciri Gwent witcher Game card

Here is a list of Gwent Partners picked by Burza in today's TWiG for this expansion's reveal campaign:

  1. KG – YouTube Twitch
  2. Hippotompotomus (TLG) – Hippo Twitter TLG Twitter
  3. Stellabrate – Twitch Twitter
  4. AntonHudz (TGGwent) – TGGwent Twitter
  5. MaxandMel – Twitch Twitter
  6. SeanBigD – (can't find any link to his socials, so feel free to link it in the comment)
  7. BobrDobr (TGGwent) – TGGwent Twitter
  8. Bomblin – Twitch YouTube
  9. GabbyDigs – Twitch Twitter
  10. Sawyer1888 – Twitter
  11. PlainTalkJon – Twitch YouTube
  12. Ranger1219 – YouTube Twitch
  13. Avades – Twitch YouTube
  14. Carrost – Twitch Twitter
  15. CaptainKidTwitch TeamDuello YouTube
  16. Inari100YouTube Twitch
  17. Jarlaxle – TeamDuello Twitch TeamDuello YouTube
  18. DevilDriven – YouTube Twitter
  19. MirandaTheTempest – Twitch Twitter
  20. MaxTremere – Twitch Twitter
  21. Vendetta_sc – Twitch YouTube
  22. Michael Isaev (Claymore) – Claymore Twitter

Number 15 and 16 are on a waiting list.

Make sure to check them out and show some love.


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