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Half of the sniper weapons deserve some buff to compete with the other weapons

With the release of the Third Rail and it not being too well recieved, I realize that many of the sniper class weapons in the game could use a buff. Making a sniper build is currently very niche unless its with a Stoneheart Farrah with a bow or Zenith with an already good sniper or bow.

Currently, these are the only bows/snipers worth using in my opinion:

  • Half the bows
  • Obliterator
  • Ol' Betsy
  • Yeoman
  • Neon Sniper Rifle
  • Spyglass
  • Crankshot

Out of all of these, the bows are probably used like 90% of the time, while the rest are only good in certain scenarios. Obliterator is amazing for defenders and destroying builds. It with the rest listed are also good for the storm king phases or in certain scenarios, but again are kind of niche unless in a very specific build. Other snipers not listed could be useful, but can't compete with these listed.

Also, every sniper can be good if used with Zenith (or other sniper heroes) in a good build, but any other build will struggle after a certain point.

Snipers are really good against beefy targets, but many will probably switch to bows that do way better or change builds completely. This is why you see so many bow users but not many using snipers that much anymore. Also, many other builds and weapons can out damage a sniper due to how inefficient they are.


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