Handbuff is completely busted right now, it’s worse than travelling priestess was.

geralt tsirilla gwent the witcher card game gwen

Title says it all. Just got crushed by a handbuff deck that played 5 or 6 incredibly buffed units, between 16-35 power each. I distinctly remember removing all of the buffing engines they played almost immediately and countered them pretty much every step of the way, got the long round 3 with my siege deck which should have generated enough points over the course of the round to counteract a 'finisher' but then they just slammed 5 massively powered units. I was baffled at how they managed to produce so many points when I hadn't let a single handbuffing card stick to the board. There was zero interaction. At least with Travelling Priestess, I could kill the Tridam.

This isn't a rage "reeee the developers are literal scum" post or anything, just some feedback. I was kind of hoping the all-in round 1 and 2 meta was over and I could go back to playing actual Gwent but apparently not.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/gwent/comments/vaqp28/handbuff_is_completely_busted_right_now_its_worse/

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