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Here are some 3 bugs and 3 tips

Dota2 Mods

You may watch the video which showcases and explains everything – , or just continue reading.

Bug #1 – Some heroes that have jumping abilities of sort (Mirana 3rd, Snap 2nd, Dawn 2nd, Slark 2nd, Phoenix 1st, Zeus 3rd), are not able to get out of arena by default with their "jumping" ability, but they become able to after they hit a wall first and then jump.

Bug #2 – If Mars uses his spear onto an enemy which supposedly should hit an obstacle and right after uses God's Rebuke, the hero will be stunned for only around 300 units away from Mars instead of where the obstacle is.

Bug #3 – In Advanced Hotkey Settings you may set up buttons for "Select Allies" section. As a Brewmaster when ulted you may select your hero by clicking the chosen button and then MOUSE-click all active non-targettable item-buttons. Best item examples would be – shiva, drums or drum boots, pipe, greaves.

Tip #1 – 2 tranquils on Pugna. Tranquils stack and in 2 pairs provide total of 30 base life regen. This allows Pugna to heal her allies more often and easily recover to full hp.

Tip #2 – Leshrak/Death Prophet – when pushing a tower with Diabolics or Exorcism, put a branch in-between. That will allow you to push and not being seen on map nor attacked by tower.

Tip #3 – Shiva's passive attack speed aura can be increased and reduced based on status resistance. Ceremonial Robe t3 neutral will increase. Enemies that have additional status resistance will feel it with lesser strength.


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