Hermetic Alarm on Reserve Is harmful to Content Creators

More specifically, the volume of the alarm makes 4 minutes of every reserve raid barely enjoyable to play, let alone to watch. Everytime a streamer/youtuber is in raid and the alarm comes on, I have to turn their media volume as far down as I can while still being able to barely hear their voices.

I know this isn't an uncommon complaint so I apologize it it violates rules, but I'm bringing the discussion back because it's so annoyingly loud that I'm legitimately less likely to watch a content creator if I see they're playing reserve (which sucks, as it is a personal favorite to play). In raid, I can take my (in game) headphones off because dying without sound is marginally less annoying than actually developing tinnitus.

We all know it's annoying, but my thesis is that it's sooo annoying that it's actually harmful to Content creation/viewing, and if it's bad enough for that then I think it's bad enough to necessitate a change.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/vbod2g/hermetic_alarm_on_reserve_is_harmful_to_content/

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