Hero Design Discussion: Phoenix

Dota2 Mods

This is a discussion not of a hero's strength, but of gameplay, I know that Phoenix can be really oppressive throughout whole game, don't downvote just because!!!

Straight to the point: Phoenix as a hero is designed in a way that it doesn't (need to) use almost any items in Dota, which limits it's gameplay.

This thought came to me when I saw support Phoenixes rushing refresher as first item at TI.

While Supernova (and Sunray to an extend) are really good when they are good, I feel like the hero's kit is too pigeonholed:

  • Phoenix is not good with DPS items (and that's for the better)
  • It doesn't really need initiation items because it has Phoenix Dive
  • It doesn't really build support items because ideally in a fight Phoenix uses Supernova and can't use items

Which leaves us with aura items.

This is the end of the problem as I see and I would like to encourage you to post your thoughts on that, maybe crackpot solutions or criticism to the point itself.

Now to my idea: So why not lean into auras and make Fire Spirits interact with auras in a similar way Pango's Swashbuckle interacts with attack-procs items:

  • So, what if Fire Spirits create medium-sized AOE bubbles (like Arc's Magnetic Bubble) for several second within which aura effects work even outside of Phoenix's range
  • (Maybe) effects are doubled
    • So, Radiance burns for 120 DPS and applies 34% miss chance, Shiva's slows twice as effective and Vlads gives more lifesteal and armor
  • Can be used while in Supernova

Should it be implemented via Shard, Aghs or just in its base kit with some number changes to accommodate for increased potential is up to Valve.

But I think it will make Phoenix builds and gameplay as a whole much more interesting and engaging.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/17tliz4/hero_design_discussion_phoenix/

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