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Hey Epic! The game is unplayable, are ya gonna do something?

They’ve been completely silent about everything except the one XP/levels glitch last week. About BR😐

I’m sure as we all know the game has been next to unplayable and this started in Ch3S3 for ALL platforms.

FPS drops

Lag/Lag spikes




Increased ping

These are major issues that have made the game completely unplayable on ALL platforms. It’s not a “pC gUd cOnsOle bAd” or “cOnsOle gUd pC bAd” thing (had to say that for all you ignorant children who think this has something to do with your preferred platform)

u/EmptyTux and u/FreightTrainUSA The game is currently unplayable and we need a performance update

Epic needs to start taking accountability. A good example is that they said MONTHS ago that wildlife changes were in the works, but lo and behold, nothing as usual.

Then when they added the plasma discharger, that got acknowledged in TWO DAYS. But the other guns being completely un-useable? Performance issues? Bugs? Nah that gets ignored or pushed off for two months

And for all the Epic games worshipers about to say “oH sToP cOmpLaiNing” kindly shut up and leave the sub. If you don’t care about the game then why are you here?


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