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TLDR at bottom. And if your going to just talk about how epic doesn’t care, can it.

You might have seen my post about superchargers the other day! If not then it’s this



Traders are a huge problem especially in stonewood and lower twine. They absolutely ruin the game and dont help at all! Even going as far as to be toxic and rude to players who don’t want to be apart of their weird trading cult. The solution is simple:

Remove dropping and add an official trading tab.

This would work like ventures (except you also can’t drop mats/traps) you literally can no longer drop anything accept ammo (This wouldn’t be present in LTM modes like frostnite or hit the road)

Then the trading system, it would work exactly like the auction house in forza horizon. If you’ve played forza horizon you know how it works but if not, you basically set how many credits you want for a car and you can bid on it or just buy it. In stw this would be for materials and you couldn’t bid, only buy out. The materials are automatically deposited into both parties accounts so there would be no scamming. Also you wouldn’t be able to trade with people in your party.

(And yeah, yeah, yeah I know “tRaDiNg wAs NeVeR cOnDoNeD bY ePiC” you got any better ideas?)

Leachers and AFKers

There is a HUGE problem with leaches (mostly power 122 lynxes who start the objective, and then go farm)

The solution:
Harsher punishments, Better incentives for contributing and a real tutorial

Right now, the most someone will get is a little 24hr ban. Out of 364 days of leaching, a one day punishment is ridiculous. If someone gets multiple reports of leaching/AFKing, epic should review their account and gameplay (if they do it for the FREE mode they can do it for the PAID mode)

Now rewards. It takes 600 re-perk to change ONE schematic perk, a 160 4-pl mission gives on average 360 reperk. There are only a few viable methods of farming evo mats, and mission rewards are absolute dogwater. None of the endgame players need more schematic XP more than perk materials! Seriously I have like 50+ million schematic XP and I don’t even know HOW much survivor and hero xp! Newer to canny and even early twine players need that, not endgame players. The solution here is simple, buff material drop rates, and add cashes to standard chests and gift boxes.

Also, most players speed through stonewood, plankerton and canny without even knowing what they’re doing. That’s why you get a bunch of half-brained, lynx players who don’t know how basic elements work. The solution is add a tutorial AND tutorial missions. The higher power you go and the more SSDs you complete, you unlock tutorial missions. These missions can only be done by yourself (you won’t get teammates and party members will be kicked) they will teach players tunneling, how traps work, and how heroes work. This will result in more players playing the game, instead of running around and farming. Not to mention an incentive for completing these tutorials! Something like a small schematic and materials pack every time you complete it (one time)!


Right now, there’s only about 50 good schematics and loadouts! But there’s over 150 schematics in the game!

The solution: buff more weapons and heroes instead of nerfing the good ones.



Smashers, Lobbers, blasters/zappers, sploders and nurses are way too broken

Solution: give some of these a nerf. Re-implement husk fall damage.

Smashers need a spawn rate and damage nerf.

Sploders need a spawn rate and damage nerf

Nurses definitely shouldn’t come with or heal shielders or super shielders

Lobbers should definitely spawn at least 50% less

Zappers/blasters do not need Jarvis accuracy.

TLDR: stop being lazy and read the post



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