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Hi! I’m a new player. Just started playing a few weeks ago. Let me tell you about my experience.

I spent too much time typing this out to leave it as a comment on a day old post. I'd really like to hear what other people think about the new player experience in this game.

The new player experience in this game is genuinely some of the smelliest garbage I have ever experienced in a game. I have never felt like the developers were trying so hard to get me to stop playing.

I'm all for a game that doesn't hold your hand, is very challenging, and has a very steep learning curve, but Tarkov takes these things to such an insane degree, and it doesn't make sense to me.

What value is gained by requiring your new players to suffer for 20+ hours before they can even begin to hope to stand a chance against most other players?

What value would be lost by easing that experience a bit?

What value is added to the Tarkov experience by requiring me to spend more time in Google and Youtube than actually playing the game, just to understand things as basic as buying guns, or equipping attachments to those guns?

What value is added by having literally zero indication on where to actually find your extracts, or what conditions those extracts have? Or where to find literally anything, for that matter!

Excluding the new player experience, Tarkov is a very cool game and I like it a lot. But I haven't even hit level 15 yet and I don't know if I care enough to push much further. At every turn, it has felt like the developers are pushing me over, kicking me while I'm down, and laughing.

What value does this bring to the overall game experience of Tarkov?

Obviously there is a community of passionate players who have brute-forced their way past all this crap, and deep down I feel like I would enjoy this game a lot if I could make it through myself.

But I'm almost 30. I work a full time job, and do my best to maintain a healthy social life, as well as take care of my physical and mental health. I can only play like 2 hours a night, some nights.

Who is this game for? Teenagers on summer break, adults without family, and full-time streamers?

What value would be lost by condensing the ladder that new players all have to climb down to a tight 5 or 6 hours, and then set them loose? Even 5 or 6 hours would be a lot. When you take into account how much time I need to spend Googling and watching YT videos, it'll probably be 40-50 hours before I'm not stuck in this trash fire. What value is added to Tarkov by this?


Maybe it's just not for me.


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