How do you think a hard mode or easy mode should be implemented?

Bones + Beech seeds = Chance of Birch Tree?

On a (relatively) recent announcement on steam, the developers announced they are working on adding easy and hard difficulty settings. What would you like to see in this kind of addition? I have a few personal ideas, but I'd like to see what the community can come up with.

-Certain creatures (like fulings, seekers, and/or wolves) could be made more or less aggressive.

-Starred creatures could spawn more or less frequently, on hard mode maybe rare three-starred creatures could spawn. Some creatures could also spawn as starred when they normally can't (such as sea serpents, loxen, and stone golems).

-For easy mode, invasions could be turned off by the player. For hard mode, they could include harder creatures.

-For hard mode, creatures could have the ability to slowly climb the walls of elevated terrain.

-For easy mode certain creatures could have their damage and health nerfed.

-For hard mode, bosses could enter a second phase as half or one-third health.


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