How does everyone feel about Dota plus?

DOTA 2 Guides

I took a break from dota for years, pre-dota plus. At my best I reached Divine 1, but when I recently played, my mmr was calibrated to Legend 2, which I am not really worried about because I don't take dota as seriously as I used to.

However, I don't remember high-Archon, low-Legend players having this amount of in-game knowledge, having played with friends who would put me in these lobbies before.

Then it dawned on me, a vast majority of people who play ranked have dota plus subscriptions.

I thought I would have a lot of fun being calibrated in a lower bracket because technically the game is allowing me to smurf, but instead, every game feels like TI3. All Pick drafts are just people with dota plus waiting for the other player to pick a hero so they can counter. People grouping after mid game to create space for carries that actually buy the correct items.

It feels like the skill gap has narrowed by a lot since I last played. So my question is, how do you guys feel about Dota Plus being in the game?


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