How in god’s name is Renfri a thing?

witcher gwent cards

Been away from the game for about a year, I come back to this shit after ~10 ranked games. This unit is worth like 3 cards, yet somehow it only has a cost of 13 and it even has 7 power so it can't be joinked or consumed.

I guess it's a BIT RNG, but if you always create a random curse and blessing, why should I ever create a deck without using her? Her value seems absolutely nuts. I also got it revived on me, but at that point it was already over. Even 1 of her swung the board from +30 in my favor to +10 for them.

Holy moley, no wonder ya'll have been getting upset at her being played multiple times, even having her played ONCE at her current power seems busted. Wtf can I even do to counter it? It's just 1 card which produces more power than any other 13 provision cost card I can slot into my deck.

Don't even nerf her, just put her into a box to spawn endless curses and blessings until she begins to produce sustainable energy, jesus christ.


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