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How many console players play elite anymore?

Now before i begin i want to apologize for my horrible writing. So i was wondering how many console players play elite today compared to when console was still "ongoing" sure console gets some events like the thargoid event and the summer skins but apart from that i am still quite new to this game and i have had very tiny bite of what elite actually is. I feel like console community somewhat overreacted to this and caused some sort of chain reaction to start in some of the other console players to either switch to pc or stop playing completely. I loved elite in every way: vehicles, planets, stars, systems, map, exploration, anomalies, combat, thargoids, lore, politics and it's very own news system. And the very best it's very own community. I don't think consoles ever missed that much of things back then than it does now. Except a full update but there was events and skins coming and going every now and then back then and today… Thanks for reading and stay safe! o7


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