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How to have fun on this game and get good at PvP

Noob friendly. This is more like a checklist to really have the most fun on the game.

1) Get the best storage you can for your Stash (get and store med/food/craftables/quest-items/WEAPONS in cases only to collect as much as possible and have it organised for collecting/using items).

2) Get your hideouts work station to lvl 3, bitcoin farm to lvl 2/scav case/range installed + extra if needed.

3) Get high enough level to unlock M995 ammo at minimum and save all the best weapons/armour you find on the way.

4) Save up close to 10 mill by scaving as a PMC on Streets.

Your Stash should be looking mint now. Loaded with the best weapons, best armours, $10 Mill roubles and growing with passive income from Bitcoins.

5) FINALLY you should have enough experience on a few maps to go 4-5 manning with the boys on your favourite maps using your best armours, best weapons, best everything with your most Chad loadouts and just push everything you see.

Even if you die, it don't matter bro cause the Stash is looking fat, juiced, chadded the fk out, shmexy with the best shir you collected along along the way and you got $10 mill roubles to restock for some dope sessions ahead bro, fuck yeh we chaddin out now!


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