How you playing Fortnite?

Alternatives to WASD?

I played games for around 30 years. The first years on console (NES) and a PC. The last 20 years it was only consoles. So controllers are the methode for gaming i used for the last years. But I always missed my mouse by playing shooters. So when the PS4 was there I did some research and buyed a XIM4. This in combination with a PS NAV Controller and a Logitech G502 was really a nice way to play. Some people will say this is cheating. That’s a other discussion.

Today I have a Series X and a PS5 as my consoles. For this last console I now use an XIM Apex in combination with a Beloader. This is not necessary for Microsoft's console. But Sony's NAV Controller has been around for years and is therefore poorly available, and the question is whether it still works or wants to charge. So I now play with a JoyCon controller from the Nintendo Switch which also works quite well. The only problem is that it is wireless and the connection drops with some regularity.

So I decided to buy also a PC a half year ago. But the switch from a controller and/or mouse to a mouse and keyboard after 20 years is big. It's terrible gaming haha. I tried a Razer Tartarus V2 Gaming Keypad but this was not it for me personally. I was just missing a mouse in my right hand and something like a PS NAV Controller or JoyCon (just that with no connectivity issues) when playing a shooter.

A few months ago I came across the following project somewhere on the internet. It's called HEX EVO. It caught my attention and so I joined this controller's Discord channel. It's still in production but it shouldn't be long before the first prototypes are ready.

The Hex Evo is a left hand controller for PC gaming. It allows you to fully replace the keyboard for an analog stick and 20 mappable inputs while still aiming with your mouse. Controller in your left hand. Mouse in your right hand.

Created for those who don't like gaming with keyboards, you can now enjoy true 360 analog joystick movement just like you did on console.

Avoid the hassle of learning how to game with a keyboard and make the transition from console to PC easier than ever before.

If your also interested join the project by visiting his Discord channel or put yourself on the waitlist. Following the link:

Its definitely not my project. But i believe in the project so that’s why i give it some attention on the worldwide web. If you have a other solution for me, please let me know!

I am curious how you playing FortNite?


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