How’s the state of the game?

As the title says..

I started playing Tarkov in 2019 (pre 11.7?) and played it almost exclusively for 2 years, racking up 2500 hours and getting Kappa on my final 2 wipes. I say final because life got in the way, I was accepted into medical school, and I was feeling burned out on the game so I uninstalled in Oct 2021, my biggest complaint with the game being the recoil system in its entirety. I have always had a small hatred for the way recoil is handled in this game, up until I played EFT I didn’t even think “in-game character controlled recoil” was a thing. Jokes aside, to this day I think it’s the game’s biggest fault in terms of engaging gameplay when it’s clear they put so much effort into making the game immersive, yet you can’t control Your own damn firearm and it’s the reason I refuse to reinstall it. I fucking love everything about this game, from the environment to the lore to the customization and insanely unique gameplay loop it offers, but that damn recoil system. Just let me control it like every other shooter in existence. As a side note, a recoil system akin to Insurgency Sandstorm seems like a good starting point.

What do you guys think? I have some time now that I have my study habits nailed down so Is the game in a good enough state to revisit or will be previous misgivings be amplified after the latest flea market, recoil, and gameplay/AI changes? Happy to discuss, we have a rare 3 day weekend and no exams next week hehehe


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