Hunter Quest

Last wipes, my favorite gun was the the MK-18 Mjölnir. It was a very good weapon, but had its limitations since people running around with tier 5 and 6 armor reliably stopped the fmj round. Now that people rarely have class 5 armor, and even less have class 6, the MK-18 is objectively the best 1 shot kill weapon to the chest, and thus the weapon cost over 300k.

But the major problem is that the rifle is locked behind the Hunter quest… 25 fucking shturman kills (which is ridiculous for anyone with half a life). You also can no longer buy them on the flea. As such, i haven't gotten to run it this wipe. AT ALL. Never seen one, never been killed by .338 so ive never even died to one. Its like the thing doesn't even exist.

Next wipe, my personal goal is to unlock it. So that being said, Does anyone know a reliable cheap strategy to farm shturman early wipe? I barely encounter shturman at all because i normally avoid woods as a map in general.

Side note: The AXMC is a good alternative, but lacks the versatility of the MK-18. nothing quite beats the ability to send multiple rounds of .338 downrange to say "fuck you and anything in your general vicinity".


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