I asked EFT reddit for advice… “Huge Mistake”.

I started playing Tarkov about four days ago, and I asked for advice “which was a huge mistake”. I made a post a little out of anger because I couldn’t figure tarkov out whatsoever. In the post I claimed that it I had around 6000 hours in CSGO and some hours in multiple other shooters, I’ve played shooters all my life. Now of course, and was expected was to receive comments like “Oh throw your CSGO skills away, they are pointless in this game” and that’s basically what happened, but that’s pretty much the only thing I was told. There was only one comment that was beneficial to me, and it was basically “better loot behind locked doors”. It was the shortest comment, and the most beneficial.

I just want to let anyone know who thinks they should be providing newer players with advice that aim is HUGE. Obviously my aim wasn’t the only thing that has transferred to this game, but my map awareness, awareness in general, game mechanics, shortcuts, keys, good and bad loot, team communication and ex. After a couple of days of grasping the game, I personally feel I can outplay the majority of people I come across. My previous game experience easily transferred.

Now I’ve been playing for about 3-4 days, and I now have a red card, multiple gun containers, 3 key tools and ex. I’m now at 7 mill RUB currently as well. This isn’t me trying to flex, but this is to back up my claim.

So for you new players who want advice from a new player that’s learning and has learned some, learn maps, use maps on google for tarkov, get keys, unlock doors, learn what doors have good loot beyond them, find a weapon you’re good with, learn how to build guns, learn what loot is better to destroy gear fear, market market market to make RUB, use all the games mechanics for example the sighting in and out with the default Page up-Page down key (many people don’t know about it seems), stack bags inside of each-other to save inventory in and out of raids, dont always aim for the head, for example shotguns do two shot kills to the knees, if you think you have blacked out someone’s limb, shoot it again for an easy kill, stick to one map until it’s learned. I could go on forever but this is the stuff I wish I was told at least my second day.

Oh, and don’t use tarkov reddit for advice, and if you feel I’m wrong, don’t use me either, I won’t blame you since I received horrible advice on Reddit for tarkov myself.

Edit: Also, find a buddy and stick to playing with him constantly. I’ve made a good buddy that I’ve played with everyday, his name is CAH on reddit, he started playing with my after my post on reddit. It helps to play at least duo, but no more from my personal experience.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/fd3x8u/i_asked_eft_reddit_for_advice_huge_mistake/

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