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I can’t weight for the reeeeeeeing on this sub when the inertia system is added.

Movement rework has been confirmed for 12.12, that includes inertia. There will be weight system tweaks in there as well I imagine, to make heavier PMC's accelerate and decelerate slower.

I was around for the Weight system rework in 12.4, what a time to be alive that was. The bitching on this sub was so intense that BSG literally reversed the implementation of a core game mechanic because it forced players to be more careful with what they brought in and out of raid.

There's not much negative sentiment around the idea of inertia yet, but just you wait. So many of us have the quirks of the current movement system down to muscle memory at this point, and not being able to sprint everywhere and ADAD spam in CQB is going to piss a lot of people off. But it needs to happen. Its required for a game like this.
I hope to god that BSG's community managers are able to sift though this sub when it does happen and be able to separate the crying from the legitimate arguments. I hope they don't make the same mistake they did with the weight system.


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