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I did a mission!

Okay, for some of you vets, this is probably trivial and stupid, but as a newbie, and having failed several beginning missions, having actually completed one felt pretty awesome! It was just a delivery to someone on a base on a moon several star systems away, but man, it was touch and go and I had to google all sorts of stuff along the way and do some trial and error.

Question: Is there a fast way to land at a location or is it literally just flying around out in space, getting close enough, adjusting speed, etc., for 10-15 minutes until you actually land? Like, in EVE Online, you can click on the starbase in the Overview and click to dock. In ED, I don't see any such option for outposts on far moons and it seems you have to manually approach a station, request docking permission, and THEN you can autodock.

In short, is it possible to automate some of the more trivial stuff? Is there ever any sort of autopilot that will take you from the mission location (one you've undocked) directly to the destination with a single button press? Or, if I'm expecting that, am I missing the point of the game?


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