I did a “protect the canisters” mission…

I saw this mission, that paid 1.2mil credits, which is quite a lot for me since I only have a Vulture and 50mil credits to my name. I accepted it and thought, wow, this is probably going to be tough, since most missions only pay like 300k.

Took a shuttle (fuck flying to the wrong side of the planet again) and I landed on the base. "Incoming ship" – oooh the action is about to start!

The baddies disembark, pop their shields and…

…just stand there. Waiting for me to shoot them. Sure, they shoot back, but they don't move and quite frankly, rarely hit me. A second ship drops down and the same thing happens.

After 4 packs of static and very, very stupid enemies (no AI to speak of) I complete the mission.

Like, what? Are all missions like this? I bought Odyssey for 8 euro and am wondering if this is the reason it's this cheap. Or was I just lucky/unlucky with a bugged mission?

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/17qtglm/i_did_a_protect_the_canisters_mission/

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