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I don’t earn anything yet but I purchased EoD edition…… These are my feelings

Eh, I made a hard decision to upgrade from Prepare to Escape to EoD…. but I don't have that much money to spare cause im still in highschool lol and I also have different hobbies…

I just found a pretty nice route to loot cool mods, mostly military boxes… and I approached a limit to my stash again… So, in order to play now I'd have to start massively selling again… not even leave a Saiga for a fun spawn and that's the worst.. then you die with the good gear.. you die one or two times with loot gear and u dont have anything to take on a looting mission cause you sold all the scav weapons ehh
I didn't want to repeat it and sell my saiga shotgun agai tho I sold all of the saiga mods I had…

And again, I had to sell most of the mods I had and when later I got that gun, I didnt have anything for it and it was kinda sad… so at least some aditional stash space would be cool.. also, I thought the bonus pouch container would be useful, cause today I had like 2 looting runs that I only came back with some scopes and silencer + meds from a pouch.. def will be cool on looting runs….

Also, a lot of people who post about EoD say they're glad they upgraded and Im planning to play this for now as I got kinda hooked in and in future wipes but I didnt wait for the sale as its holiday currently and later, there will be school etc. and I found myself spending a lot of time just watching and playing tetris in my stash lmao

Im just a hoarder and I'd def be able to hoard a bit mroe tho I know that propably pretty fast if I dont RIP too much I will propably fill the bonus space and it will be similar, I will have more hoarded items to sell tho if I need to clean some space xD

The only people that told they dislike EoD is people who said – I dont have any challenge!! And they're honestly these weird grinders cause their EFT is unlocking in-game things with grind and they have no goal to play beside it lol, its one of the hardest game I played ever and they wonder about the game becoming too easy or smth haha.. so really they dont count as I wold never grind 7 millions roubles or do a lot of misison for Traders cause I only did a few and I stopped with the progress having cooler things to do than going to Customs xD And I like to buy random things so my money level is constantly aroud 1 to 1,5 mil

So I think this amount of Euros I paid for a bunch of tiny, empty digital squares, idk, not sure if it was worth it but im spending the time in this game so one can say, it was kinda worth it?

XD this is just some EoD feels


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