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I feel like people forget this is an RPG..

I mean, I get it kinda.. the wipe has been on for a while now and all the Mega Chads just wanna flex all that fancy gear that is collecting dust in the stash. They want to fill each raid with mad PvP action, but imo that's not really the focus of the game or the gameplay loop Battlestate is working to refine.

Seems like there are a lot of folks right now that wish this was CS:Go or Valarent.. but its not.. what you want is the Arena. You want a game with 6 guns, a competitive PvP focus, and Tarkov gunplay mechanics. However that's not the reality of the Tarkov we have today. We have a hardcore shooter, wrapped in an RPG.

I dont know, maybe its just me but one of the main reasons I love playing Tarkov is for the setting and atmosphere. I enjoy completing quests and getting out of raids by the skin of my teeth. I like to see my PMC and my stash get better with each success. What I dislike is the idea that people think you just shift w to win raids by clearing the lobby, there are so many other ways to play.

Honestly play how you enjoy that's part of the beauty, but I feel like at this point in the wipe people complain a lot about balance in a game that's not really designed to have it. The game is about escaping and survival, not about coming out on top of every firefight. Sometimes you need to think critically and understand when not to take a fight or use another tactic besides rushing.

Ultimately I think all of the calls for gun balance and skill changes at this point, especially from larger content creators, are a distraction from the bigger problems with the game; like audio and scav ai. Obviously it's a fine line for BSG to walk but idk I just enjoy it as a RPG.


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