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I feel like there is a problem with casters

Dota2 Mods

Dota is a really hard game to cast in my opinion, i watch dota since Dota 1 days and one of the things that i'm starting to notice latelly is how involved the casting community was with the game back then. I used to not like casters like Ayeese or even Tobiwan because i felt like they weren't really in touch with the game's strategy and macrodynamics, and recently the community went after Moxxxi for similar reasons.

I feel like going after someone isn't the way of course, Dota is not an easy game to learn and casting a game for sure is not either, but watching the Arlington Major i noticed that the high ammount of daily games demands a variety of casters, and the problem shows, it's not neccesary to throw names around, it's not about changing talent either, people can learn.

But i just get distracted when on each fight or gank moments are filled with "can he kill him?" "can he scape?" "he watches his friends die" and comments that totally miss the map strategy, the importance of kills, it's implications on the map and the teams movements, objectives.

There's so much to talk about that i totally understand the difficulty of it, but with so many casters covering the intensity of the schedule the problem shows


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