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I hate people who blame me for my support’s mistakes.

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero Warriors Ice

Hi everyone, just wanted to say a little. My main position is 3 and god damn I hate position 4 bastards. People think it's just an easier version of position 5 where you can do ANYTHING (mostly roam) without worrying about buying items like glimer , wards, or even an urn of shadows (seriously, I have to beg my 4 to buy spirit vessel in games against Huskar or Morphling, because they are too busy buying a damage item). People don't understand how important and difficult the position 4 role is, it's the role where you stop the enemy carry from farming.

My 4? They don't give a fuck. They just stand side by side in the forest and think what to do. For a long time, position 4 was my main role, and therefore I can see the mistakes of my 4 very well (I began to play 3 because I was tired of people who take carries in position 3 like weaver with a desolator or wraith king and so on, but this is a separate issue) and god damn, is position 4 really that hard? There are only a few MAXIMUM simple things that 4 should do:

1) Block small spawn so enemy can't pull creeps

2) Pull creeps

3) Place a ward

4) Attack enemy heroes

My 4 don't care about such things, they think that the role of 4 is a role where you can relax and do nothing. Or, even better, go roam. My 4 doesn't care that I'm underlord without boots against Dazzle and Drow Ranger and I just can't outrun them if they hit me. My 4 just takes a Pudge and go roam, he doesn't care if the hardline gets lost, he just wants to have some fun (IN RANKED). After that, seeing how strong the enemy carry is, people start blaming ME for the lost lane and the game, they didn't see how poorly pos 4 played, they think it's all my fault. It's even better when 4 roams and my team blames me for not being able to win a lane in SOLO after my 4 stole experience from me and didn't help me in that lane. The degenerates were stuck in 2016 when 3 could stand solo (and even so, 3 stood solo from the very beginning for the experience, and not with 4 for the first 5 minutes). People still don't understand that 4 should not roam (only if lane won or completely lost) whenever he wants, and 3 cannot solo anyone against anyone (the Dota community realized for a VERY long time that there is no such role as a jungler and now I'm waiting for them to understand that roam is not a role, but a situation).

I just had a game where I was Mars 3 and I had Marcy 4. That bastard did NOTHING, he just stood in the trees and watched the enemy Disruptor hit me, he did not put wards, did not pull creeps, did not block the enemy a small camp and what's funny, he tried to last hit creeps with me (he even bought a blade, lol). I just went into the jungle so as not to compete for farm and he started insulting me and demanding to return to the lane. Seriously, I come across bad supports so often that I just gave myself the nickname BAD 4=JUNGLE, and people still don't understand why I go into the jungle and insult and blame me.

And here I want to highlight a separate problem. I just don't know what to do in such situations.

I stay on the lane=I die=feed enemy carry=team blames me.

I go to the jungle=enemy carry free farm=team blames me.

More interestingly, that bastard Marcy DID NOT WANT to lane at all. Initially, he wanted to take Pudge 4 and go roam, but Pudge was blocked and he took Marcy. To make matters worse, they were in a party with a mid player. That is, this freak from the very beginning didn’t give a damn about what would happen on my lane, he just wanted to take a roam and gank his friend in the mid (I often come across such players). The party also had our carry and our 5 (who also blamed me, and my carry AM came out of the lane where his support provided him with farm and kills, took the whole jungle and also all the creeps in the triangle where I farmed, because of which I had no items at all), but that doesn't matter. In general, the whole game everyone blamed me, because is position 4 really to blame? Of course, our mid player will not blame his friend (this is also a separate topic for discussion, people who go to parties blame anyone and anything except their brainless friends), only 3 are to blame. There was also a funny moment when these 4 morons died in a fight (when I was at the other end of the map) and then they demanded that I fight 4 enemies alone and put an arena under our t2, convincing me that I could kill the enemy BH (4). That is, they demanded that I spend my ult and die myself just to kill the enemy support, fantastic. In general, these people just wanted to blame someone and that someone was me.

But the problem is not only the people in the party, of course. Even if I turn off the search for people in the party in the role rating, little changes. I know it's stupid to expect anything more on my 2500 rating, but these unfair accusations really piss me off. I take it to heart because in elementary school my teachers and my parents constantly accused me of things that I was not guilty of (so I also went to work in the field of law).

And the worst thing is that my Conduct Summary is constantly decreasing because of this and I'm getting worse and worse players. My 4 ruins the lane/game for me (sometimes they just go to the jungle with me and stop me from farming because they don't understand that they are to blame for the lost lane), but people report to ME because they expect me, being a 3, to win the lane with 4 doing nothing (or even actively interfering, as it was in the last game) and they blame me when I don’t do it.

The post turned out to be bigger than I expected, so thanks to those who were able to read it.


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