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I have a suggestion that I think will make draft a lot friendlier.

the witcher and ciri gwent

This is more similar to how drafting works in magic, where you get to draft more cards than you will use in your deck and then manually select which cards go in. Right now you can end up with major bricks picking a draft pack that you never get further synergies with or one card within the pack doesn't make sense to keep. This would allow you to pick packs a little more freely and then just use the cards in that pack that are actually helpful without being punished too much for grabbing a pack that is a bit more spicy.

For example I drafted a haunt recently, lucky right? Didn't get any Deathwish packs for the rest of the draft. Being forced to use a card that has no other synergies with the deck you are using felt bad but when you see three packs and there is a scenario in one of them chances are that's the right one to pick yes? Being able to include or cut specific cards in the deck would smooth this experience out a bit IMHO.


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