What exactly is the point of the flea market?

Hey there yalls.

Recently hit lvl 15 for the wipe and was confronted for the first time with the new flea market taxes, as I haven't played for a while.

To speak frankly, the flea market is empty.

And that's not cause only a handful of people have access to it, but due to 95% of items literally being impossible to sell on the flea market.

Quest keys, hideout items, previously high value keys, barter items, weapons, ammo, magazines etc. Are just not viable to be put up for sale whatsoever.

I'd like to pose the question in the title to the community and to bsg as well, as I feel like I'm misunderstanding the intent behind the flea market.

What exactly is the flea market for, if you literally can't sell (and as a result others can't buy) 95% of items without making a MASSIVE loss?

Is it supposed to work like an honor system where you help out others by taking a loss to provide items to others? Or just for barter trades between players?

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/vokonz/what_exactly_is_the_point_of_the_flea_market/

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