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I have played 100 Draft Mode runs and here are the results and my thoughts

the witcher and ciri gwent

I. Introduction & Charts

The main goal of this was to gather as much MP (Meteorite Powder) as possible and of course to have fun. As a veteran player, I already have all premium and non-premium cards.

Since 6 and 7 wins runs only give you ore, scraps, or cards (non-premium), I have always stopped at 5 runs. It is worth mentioning that most of the 0 & 1 win runs have been abandoned due to complete trash packages/ synergy. I think in reality I could have pulled a few more (5-10) 5 wins runs for sure if I were a bit more try-hard.

Here are the results after 100 runs, with an investment of 15.000 ores:


II. Meta & Guide (subjective)

I won’t go into too much detail here and will be focusing mainly on leader abilities (sometimes cards), what types of a deck can result from choosing these, and about vague Tier classifications I would put them in.

  1. Absolutely disgusting and very consistent leader abilities, cards & packages (T0):

Blood Scent (MO), Imprisonment (NG), Imposter (NG), Double Cross (NG).

Vampires, vampires, and more vampires… Double Ball and Double Elder I believe ruin quite a lot of fun for me in Draft Mode. So overall we have: Aristocrats (preferably Devotion), Vampires (preferably Devotion), Assimilate, Spies, Lock that can be built around these abilities. Honorable mention: Tactics (but I believe it’s somewhere at T2).

Some T0 cards & packages:

-Thinning packages (not always, but most of the time are good, i.e. depending on devotion). Too much thinning can also be bad; I would like to devote this sentence to the hatred I have for: Isbel of Hagge: this card shouldn’t exist in the game, period. (If you don’t have an answer for her, and in a lot of cases you don’t since it’s Draft Mode, the opponent can abuse her and play 2 cards after you’ve passed).

-She who knows (absolutely bonkers in this mode);

-Double Core cards;


  1. Good and very consistent leader abilities, cards & packages (T1-T2):

Guerilla Tactics (ST)movement deck; Mahakam Forge (ST)dwarfs, Battle Trance (SK)alchemy & druids, Jackpot, Off the Books (SY)tributes (Madame Luisa & Co), Shieldwall (NR)shields (the most boring deck there is to play in Draft Mode; sorry in advance for all you NR enthusiasts), Nature's Gift (ST)dryads (can be obliterated by NG).

Some T1-T2 cards & packages:

-1x Geralt package (most of the time good, depending on whether you need devotion or not) – more than 1 is overkill;

-Relicts (they might randomly appear under random leader abilities);

-Defenders. (due to the packages they come in, vulnerable to NG)

  1. Usually trash and not so consistent leader abilities, cards & packages (T3-T4):

Some mentions: Pincer Maneuver (NR) (can be good, but most of the time you get trash packages), Ursine Ritual (SK) (can be good with Queensguard or Arnachad, but usually you will get obliterated by locks or other answers), Overwhelming Hunger (MO) (very inconsistent, sometimes you don’t even get proper Deathwish cards).

Some T3-T4 cards & packages:

-Runewright and Dulla – good luck drawing them.

-Unicorn Package – good luck drawing them.

III. What I want in the near future for Draft Mode

1.No duplicated Core cards (i.e. Double Ball, Double Brouver, Double Elder, Double Gezras, etc.);

Yes, it can be fun to one-shot units with Double Ball, or endlessly boost dwarfy boys or bleed the life out of your opponent’s side of the board, but after a few runs it is obnoxious and boring to either face this or play this.

  1. More options for Core cards (tied to point 1.);

  2. Balance and change existing packages (this was confirmed by CDPR to be WIP);

  3. Add a “ranked” ladder for Draft Mode (have a system where you gain or lose points depending on your win/loss ratio per run, i.e. say 7-0 runs give you 10 points, 3-3 runs 0 points, and less than 3 runs negative points and of course adjust for the in-between values).

  4. Add achievements (also related to the ladder system);

  5. Optimize rewards (make it so it’s worthwhile for veteran players to play up to 7 wins, i.e. make the legendary card received premium);

  6. Make provisions count somehow (a lot of times there is a huge discrepancy in provisions between two opposing decks, even ~50-60 provisions – this is tied also to point 3.).

IV. Ending

As a veteran player of Arena Mode also (played maybe 600-700 runs, completed most of the achievements also), I think I have started to like more and more Draft Mode and I am hopeful for the future. Although it is quite unpolished for now, I believe in the long run it has more potential than the old Arena Mode where you would just slam into your deck the card that gives you the most points.

Thank you everyone for reading. If people are interested in this I can make another 100 runs guide (more in-depth also), once a major update occurs for Draft.

Edit: Added Nature's Gift & Defenders to Tier 1 and Cahir to Tier 0. 15.000 Ores invested (not 10.000).


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